If your salary is Rs 15 lakh and you do not want to pay income tax, then this news can prove to be useful for you. There are many people whose salary is Rs 15 lakh or more but when it comes to giving, they think about how much to save and where. If you are also looking for options for tax saving, then let us tell you that according to income tax rules, if tax deductions and tax exemptions are used properly then you can save huge tax.
In such a situation, let us know that if your salary is between Rs 12 to 15 lakh, then how much tax exemption up to Rs. can you get under the old tax regime.
If your salary is Rs 15 lakh per annum, then under the old tax regime, you will need to deduct tax of Rs 4.08 lakh, after which you will have to pay tax of Rs 1.4 lakh. But you can reduce this also, let us know how…
There are some options under the old tax slab, by taking advantage of which you can save more tax.