New Delhi: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Tuesday said we should end VIP culture, especially in temples as the very idea of VIP darshan is against divinity. He called on people to rise above politics and help the country reach the goal of a developed India by 2047. Dhankhar said that when someone is given preference and priority and when we call him VVIP or VIP, it is undermining the concept of equality. VIP culture is a corruption. This is an encroachment. If seen from the perspective of equality, it should have no place in society, least of all in religious places.
Vice President Jadeep Dhankhar was inaugurating the country's largest 'Q Complex' (waiting complex) at Shri Manjunath Temple here. This facility is known as 'Shri Sanidhya'. In his keynote address, Dhankhar criticized the prevailing trend in the current political environment where people disrupt democratic values instead of communicating. According to the Vice President, the political changes taking place in India are “even more dangerous than climate change, which are driven by political forces opposed to Indian democracy.”
Dhankhar further said that we have to neutralize anti-India forces that are trying to weaken us through division and misinformation. We must stop them from tarnishing the great name of our country and all that it has achieved towards inclusivity, welfare and strengthening our democracy. The Vice President said that at a time when India is moving ahead with development on many fronts, we must start a new discourse against the divisive forces and defeat them with our resolve to be united, focused and development-oriented.
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He said that our society is not built on the principles of materialism. Therefore, I urge the corporate world of India to come forward and contribute in the field of health and education by using CSR funds. Dhankhar also proposed five principles for modern India, which he called the 'Panch Pran' for a vibrant and inclusive democracy. The Vice President said that social harmony that will strengthen family stability and values, environmental protection and fundamental rights of every citizen should be our core values.