The Yuva Kabaddi Series- Division 1, which took place at the Karpagam Academy of Higher Education in Coimbatore, was a day filled with shocks. The Murthal Magnets finally ended their winless run, while the Palani Tuskers suffered their first loss.
The Murthal Magnets defeated the Karpagam Raiders 40–32 to start the day with their first victory. With 15 raid points and three tackle points, Vinay put on an outstanding all-around effort. Even though R. Gowtham scored 14 raid points for the Raiders, they lost because of their colleagues’ lack of assistance.
The Sonipat Spartans defeated the Jaipur Thunders 45-33 in the second game, handing them their fifth straight loss. With 12 raid points, Ankit Saharwa spearheaded the Spartans’ attack, followed by Naveen Sharma and Pankaj, who each scored six tackle points. Mohit Gurjar’s all-around performance and Praveen’s High 5 weren’t enough to change the tide for Jaipur.
The Aravalli Arrows shocked the undefeated Palani Tuskers with a 35-28 win in the third game. With nine tackle points, Ankit Jat was the most impressive player, while Chetan Choudhary received a high five. The Tuskers suffered their first loss as a result of their raiding unit’s failure, even if M. Esakkiraja gave them a High 5.
The Kurukshetra Warriors and Chennai Tamizhans played a tight game in the day’s last match, with the Warriors winning 32–30. With 14 raid points, Sachin Jagbir was outstanding, and he gave the Warriors a high five. Sakthivel R received a High 5 and Stanly Packiaraj achieved a Super 10 for Chennai, but their efforts were insufficient.