Star Plus' number one serial Anupama broke many TRP records. But for the last few weeks, Rupali Ganguly's show is struggling to maintain good ratings on the TRP charts. Recently the makers have brought a new leap in this show. But the entry of new characters in the show after the leap could not attract the audience much towards the show. But Rupali Ganguly and her team did not give up. Soon two talented actors like Jhalak Desai and Rahil Azam are going to enter this popular show of Star Plus.
Rahil and Jhalak are going to play the role of Prem Kothri's onscreen mother and father in the serial 'Anupama'. With his entry, a new twist is going to come in the story of 'Anupama'. However, no revelation has been made about what this twist will be. But according to information received from sources, these two new characters will definitely be seen making a big splash in the engagement of Prem (Shivam Khajuroria) and Rahi (Adrija Roy). After the exit of characters like Kavya and Rakhi Dave, the character of Rahil can fill the void of villain that was being felt in Anupama's life. However, the production side has refused to give more information about the entry of these two.
Meet his wife, Anupama Anuj Kapadia
One proud and possessive hubby!
BRING BACK ANUJ #Anupamaa #AnujKapadia #GauRup #MaAn #RupaliGanguly #GauravKhanna
— Annalise (@AnnaliseMaAn) January 7, 2025
Jhalak Desai has earlier shown her amazing talent in TV serials like Colors TV's 'Laado 2', Star Bharat's 'Radha Krishna', 'Munh Boli Shaadi' and 'Saajan Ghar' and if we talk about Rahil Azam, then 'Hatim', ' Rahil, who has worked in serials like 'Tu Aashiqui', is known for both positive and negative characters.
To save Anupama's continuously falling ratings, there is a need for a track which can once again attract the audience of this show. And hence with talented actors like Rahil Azam and Jhalak Desai, the show is set to be a wonderful love story and Rupali Ganguly Also needs an onscreen partner. After Gaurav Khanna quit the show, now Anupama's character is seen facing every difficulty alone. Anupama Fighting alone like this, the audience is not liking it much.