In Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Railways launched a ticket-buying system based on QR codes, providing travelers with a smooth digital experience for the next Mahakumbh in 2025. Through this effort, travelers may easily buy tickets by scanning QR codes on posters or railway personnel uniforms in the Mahakumbh Mela region.
The Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS) app may be downloaded from the Google Play Store by passengers using their cellphones to scan the QR code. Tickets for short excursions (50–100 km) and long-distance trips (over 200 km) may be booked using the app, with advance booking for the latter possible for up to 15 days.
From January 13 to February 26, millions of people will attend the Mahakumbh Mela. To handle the enormous flood of people over the next two months, Indian Railways has scheduled nearly 13,000 train trips, including 560 ring rail route services and 3,000 special trains. Connectivity between important places like Ayodhya, Varanasi, Jaunpur, and Chitrakoot would be improved by these trains.
Prayagraj railway stations have been renovated as part of the “Paint My City” campaign in anticipation of the occasion. In order to provide guests a cultural and spiritual experience, stations including Prayagraj Junction, Phaphamau, and Prayag Junction now have colorful paintings that portray Hindu mythology, devotion, and customs.
In order to facilitate travel for both visitors and devotees, traffic police have also developed comprehensive plans to oversee the roads that lead to Prayagraj, including Jaunpur, Varanasi, Mirzapur, Rewa/Banda, Kanpur, Lucknow, and Pratapgarh.