The film 'Dil' proved to be a turning point in Aamir Khan's career. Because before this, eight films of Aamir Khan had flopped. Aamir Khan had proved himself through 'Dil'. Now recently, film director Indra Kumar shared his experience of working with Aamir Khan and told how during the shooting of this film, there was a disagreement between him and Aamir on a scene. It took half a day for Indra Kumar to convince Aamir Khan for that scene.
During an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Indra Kumar said, “There were many moments when Aamir Khan was not right.” He gave an example of the film Dil, how Aamir Khan did not agree with him for a scene in the film, but later when the film went on air, he realized it.
Indra Kumar said, “There is a scene in Dil when Aamir Khan breaks a wood and gets married. Aamir Khan was not ready for this scene. He told me, “Indu, you have gone mad, someone gets married by breaking a stool. This was the only time when Aamir Khan disagreed with me. From 9 am to 1 pm we kept discussing about this scene. I told Aamir that I can even put my life at stake that people will like this scene very much. And I was right. But during the film Mana, I was wrong, I thought it would be a hit but it did not happen.”
During the interview, Inder Kumar gave the example of the film Man and said, “When the making of Man was going on, Aamir Khan had expressed his concerns to me regarding it. One day Aamir told me on the set, Indu, this picture seems to me going somewhere else. Aamir said that something was not feeling right, but I kept saying that no, we should be confident.”