Dietary patterns significantly affects the weight. Given the rise in illness, virus, sedentary lifestyle, reduced physical activities, a focus on health meal plan can help you manage your weight in a better manner. When we crave food, or a hungry, mixtures, biscuits, chips often become a quick fix for the stomach. However, it may be the solution you body is looking for. A woman, who lost 18 kgs, documents her weight loss journey on her social media. Ambika Jain completed her Bachelors in Nutrition Science and currently shares workout routine, dietary ideas that helped her lose inches.
In one of her post, ‘fitwithambika’ shared food swaps that helped her lose weight.
She captioned her post, “Lose 5 kg in 30 days with these swaps and:”
In the video she shared, she listed the food swaps that helped her:
In other post she shared how she reduced 8 inches with simple workout exercises.
These exercises can only help if you follow a balanced calorie Deficit diet plan !!
Workout and diet go hand-in-hand. It is essential to keep a note of the nutrients in the meal to be able to exercise efficiently and keep the weight loss journey sustainable. Every diet and exercise is not for everyone. Different people have different body requirements. Therefore, consulting a professional cna help with a better tailor-made weight loss routine.