New Delhi: After enchanting audiences in Kolkata, Mumbai, and Germany, the critically acclaimed solo musical play My Name Is Jaan is set to light up the stage in Delhi. This celebrated production, starring the versatile Arpita Chatterjee, will be performed at the Shri Ram Centre for Performing Arts on 18th January 2025, offering Delhiites a chance to experience the extraordinary story of Gauhar Jaan, India’s first gramophone recording artist.
Born in 1873, Gauhar Jaan rose from modest beginnings in Azamgarh to become a cultural icon in Kolkata’s thriving music scene. Known as the “Gramophone Girl of India,” her 1902 recording with the Gramophone Company of India was a historic moment, making her the first Indian woman to be recorded. Gauhar was a master of Hindustani classical styles such as khayal, thumri, and dhrupad, and her unmatched talent earned her invitations to perform at royal courts and durbars.
Directed by Abanti Chakraborty, My Name Is Jaan takes audiences on an emotional journey through Gauhar’s triumphs and struggles, including her groundbreaking achievements and financial challenges in later years. Arpita Chatterjee’s stellar portrayal brings Gauhar’s story to life, blending powerful acting with live renditions of her iconic songs in multiple languages.
The play has received glowing reviews, with Bollywood veteran Anupam Kher praising Arpita’s performance during its Mumbai premiere. “What range of emotions, what grace, what a voice! I learnt so much from watching you,” he remarked, calling it one of the finest performances he had seen in years.
When: 18th January 2025
Where: Shri Ram Centre for Performing Arts, 4 Safdar Hashmi Marg, Mandi House, Delhi, NCR 110001
Time: 6:30 PM
Tickets: Available now on BookMyShow
Ticket Price: Rs 499 onwards
Don’t miss this opportunity to witness a powerful tribute to Gauhar Jaan’s legacy. Book your tickets today for an unforgettable evening of music, history, and theatre.