In the year 1999, a film was released 'Arjun Pandit.' Juhi Chawla and Sunny Deol were seen in this film. The film was full of action and its songs were superhit. Sunny Deol gets badly injured in the climax of the film and Juhi Chawla tries to save him. Due to one mistake of Juhi during this climax scene, her neck could have been cut. The actress herself had revealed during an old interview that for 'Arjun Pandit' she had shot this scene in a three feet deep trench under the railway track.
Juhi Chawla has done films with big actors and they have also been hits. One of those films is 'Arjun Pandit', whose dialogues also became very famous. The climax of this film was shot in a very dangerous manner. Juhi Chawla herself had told the entire story related to this.
During an interview given to E-Times in the year 2022, Juhi said, “The shooting of Arjun Pandit was being done in the railway yard. Then there is a scene in the climax, in which Sunny Deol and I have to hide to dodge the goons. Sunny Deol and I were hiding in a three feet deep trench under the railway track in Mahalaxmi Yard. For this scene, the train has to pass over us at high speed. At that time, both of us could not move even an inch from that trench under any circumstances. Because if a slight mistake had been made at that time, my neck could have been cut.”
Juhi Chawla further said, “Then I held Sunny tightly and left everything to God. If I had been asked to do that scene again, I probably would have never done it again. The pairing of Sunny Deol and Juhi Chawla was liked in this film. Both have also worked together in the film Darr.