Mumbai: Despite fluctuations in the domestic stock market, investment in equity of mutual funds increased by 14 percent to Rs 41,156 crore in the month of December. The Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) said investor interest in small and mid-cap capital schemes of mutual funds remained strong and investment reached a record high during the month. Went. However, concerns were being raised about risks in both these sectors.
Investments in systematic investment plans (SIP) stood at Rs 26,459 crore last month, up from Rs 25,320 crore in November. Assets under management of SIP stood at Rs 13.63 lakh crore, which is almost one-fifth of total assets. Total assets under management (AUM) of mutual fund companies stood at Rs 66.93 lakh crore at the end of December, slightly lower than Rs 68.08 lakh crore in the same period a month ago.
Venkat Chalasani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association of Mutual Funds in India, said that the reason for this decline is the withdrawal of Rs 1.27 lakh crore from loan or bond schemes along with the 'correction' in the market. Responding to a question on continued interest in equity mutual funds and future expectations, Chalasani acknowledged that there are uncertainties that could impact the market.
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With Donald Trump becoming the President of America in January, there are many doubts in the minds of people regarding the change in the administration there. However, he said that Indian investors remain confident in the stock market. Pointing to the continued interest in SIPs, Chalasani said this investment reflects investor confidence in Indian markets in the long term.