The story of Mauni Baba of Shivshakti Bajrang Dham located in Pratapgarh inspires people. Mouni Baba's real name is Dinesh Swaroop Brahmachari. It is claimed that Baba has remained silent for the last 41 years, due to which he is known as “Mouni Baba”. Dinesh Swaroop's family grew up in an environment of education, as there were many teachers in his family. He studied till B.Sc in Biology.
His father was the principal of the college. After his death, the education department gave compassionate appointment to Dinesh in place of his father, and thus he became a government teacher.
How Mouni Baba changed the definition of coaching?
Despite getting the job of a government teacher, he was not interested in the job. He took sannyasa and took a vow of silence. Despite this he continued the work of educating children.
Mouni Baba started giving free coaching to the youth preparing for civil services. He teaches students through WhatsApp. Students write their questions and send them to him and Baba answers them in written form only. Apart from this, he also prepares notes for the preparing students.
He told in an interview that every year 2-3 students taught by him get selected in civil services.