The Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Rural Police have returned the cash, jewelry, and valuables to the residents stolen around 15 years ago after investigating the cases. The cash, jewelry, mobile phone, and other valuables, all amounting to Rs 38.61 lakh, were returned to the residents on Wednesday.
A function was organized at the Superintendent of Police (SP) office on Wednesday to mark Police Establishment Day. On the occasion, the valuables seized in various cases were returned to the residents, and the distribution of prizes for the district-level cybersecurity awareness competition was held.
15 years cases solved
The police had seized cash, jewelry, and other valuables after investigating various cases in the jurisdiction of the police stations under the rural police, and some of the cases were from around 15 years ago. After completing the legal procedure, the articles were returned to the owners under the guidance of SP Dr. Vinaykumar Rathod and Additional SP Sunil Lanjewar. The women owners who received their hard-earned money had tears in their eyes after getting their property. They thanked the police administration for the assistance they provided.
Special IGP Virendra Mishra, Assistant SP Mayank Madhav, sub-divisional police officers, and the in-charge of various police stations were present.
Mishra said, "The police force provides service to the people 24 hours a day. Now, the department is being equipped with modern facilities. People will not have to go to the police stations to lodge their complaints; they can do it on their phones now. This initiative will be started soon." The police department solved the cases and returned articles like tractors, motorcycles, solar pumps, electricity pumps, gold and silver jewelry, and mobile phones to the residents, he said.
Similarly, 12,250 students from various schools in the district participated in the cybercrime awareness competition. The winners of the competition were felicitated with trophies and certificates.