The Election Commission on Thursday directed its Delhi Chief Electoral Officer to investigate Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) complaints against BJP leader Pravesh Verma. Along with this, he was also asked to investigate the allegations of adding and removing names in the voter list of New Delhi Assembly seat. Verma has been accused of violating the model code of conduct.
Hours after a delegation led by Delhi Chief Minister and AAP leader Atishi visited the election authority, the Commission directed the CEO to investigate the complaint, find out the actual facts and take appropriate action immediately as per the provisions of the Model Code. EC told its top official in Delhi that the action taken report will also be sent to the Commission.
On Thursday, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal, state Chief Minister Atishi, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann and party MP Sanjay Singh had reached the Election Commission to raise allegations of violation of the Model Code of Conduct against BJP candidate Pravesh Verma from New Delhi seat. During this, he submitted a letter of complaint to the commission. The party demanded to raid Verma's house. Along with this, he was also accused of adding and deleting names in the voter list of New Delhi Assembly constituency.
Scam is happening in the name of elections in Delhi. BJP is rigging the voter list on a large scale. Local election officials have surrendered before BJP.
Today I met the Election Commission and complained. If the Election Commission does not take immediate action then democracy will be murdered in Delhi.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 9, 2025
After meeting the Election Commission, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal addressed the media. During this, he accused BJP of rigging the voter list. He said that BJP is manipulating the voter list on a large scale. Kejriwal, while targeting the local election officials, said that the officials have surrendered before BJP. He said that he has met the Election Commission and lodged his complaint. If immediate action is not taken on this matter, democracy will be murdered in Delhi.
Talking about Delhi Assembly elections, recently the Election Commission announced the dates. Voting for the 70-seat assembly will be held on February 5. The counting of votes will take place on 8th February. There is a contest between Aam Aadmi Party, BJP and Congress in the state. In such a situation, all the political parties have started campaigning vigorously.