Telugu film superstar Ram Charan's film 'Game Changer' is releasing in theaters on January 10. This film is also being released for the audience in Hindi. After the success of RRR, this is Ram Charan's next Pan India film, with which he is ready to make a splash. The film is making waves in advance booking and it is expected that it will get a bumper opening on the first day. Ram Charan's magic is working in South as well as Hindi belt. But do you know that there was a time when Ram Charan's Hindi debut film was completely rejected by the audience and it flopped miserably. Let us tell about it.
Nowadays, more people are seeing craze for South films than Bollywood. While big Bollywood movies are getting beaten, South's movies are being watched with great enthusiasm not only in the local language but also in Hindi. 'Pushpa 2' is a recent example of this. But there was a time when the films of South stars could not work in the Hindi belt, that is why when Ram Charan made his Bollywood debut through 'Zanjeer', his film failed at the box office. Whereas this was a remake of a film which made Amitabh Bachchan a star overnight.
In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Zanjeer producer Apoorva Lakhia had revealed why Ram Charan's Bollywood debut was a flop. He had said, “After a film flops, I analyze why it happened.” Talking about the 2013 remake of Amitabh Bachchan's Zanjeer, Apoorva had said, “For this I had the biggest star cast, I had the biggest platform, but still it did not work. Even after bringing together Ram Charan, Priyanka Chopra and Sanjay Dutt, the film was a flop.”
Apoorva Lakhia further said, “Maybe people did not like the hero. Perhaps it was the wrong time to bring a South star into Bollywood. Now if Ram Charan comes and does a film in Hindi then he can shake the box office. Although no one can say this, but it is important to trust yourself.”
Ram Charan's 'Zanjeer' was a remake of Amitabh Bachchan's 'Zanjeer'. This film gave Amitabh Bachchan recognition as an angry young man. Whereas Ram Charan's Zanjeer had a very bad fate at the box office. This film broke Ram Charan's dream of becoming a hero in Bollywood.