A woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr has accused her husband of allowing two of his friends to rape her, a media report has claimed. The incident was reported after the woman approached a local police station and stated that two of his husband’s friends had been raping her for the past three years.
The woman also revealed that she was a month pregnant and that her husband had been working in Saudi Arabia, The Times Of India reported.
The 35-year-old woman alleged that her husband was being paid by his two friends for allowing them to have sexual relations with her. She also alleged her husband asked her to keep mum when she narrated her ordeal to her, the report claimed.
The two accused used to record the sexual acts on their phones, the woman said, adding that her husband used to watch the videos in Saudi Arabia.
According to the report, the woman married the Bulandshahr man in 2010 and the couple has four children.
Her husband, who works as an automobile mechanic in Saudi Arabia, visits home once or twice a year.
The report quoted the woman’s official complaint and stated that the man initially allowed his two friends to rape her while he visited home three years back. The acts continued even after the woman’s husband returned to work in Saudi.
“My husband would watch the videos on his mobile while sitting in Saudi Arabia. I stayed quiet for the sake of my children, as he threatened to divorce me," the woman was quoted as saying.
The survivor’s brother told TOI that his family had come to know about the ordeal recently when his sister’s husband came home. According to the woman’s brother, his sister and her husband had an argument after which she gathered the courage to complain against her husband.
The police were yet to arrest the woman’s husband and his friends, the report claimed, adding that further investigations into the case were underway.