Many times, while getting up or sitting, the veins in the hands and legs get pinched, due to which a sharp strain and pain is felt in the muscles. This problem can be so serious that it becomes difficult to tolerate. There are many reasons behind varicose veins in hands and legs, such as lack of water in the body, lack of potassium and calcium, and lack of blood circulation. If you are also struggling with this problem, then you can include these two yogasanas in your routine. These yoga asanas can effectively control the problem of varicose veins by strengthening the muscles.
Pawanmuktasana, called 'Wind Releasing Pose' in English, is a yoga pose that releases air from the body and helps in curing many diseases. This asana increases blood circulation and relaxes the muscles, which provides relief from the problem of varicose veins.
How to do:
Trikonasana improves blood circulation by strengthening the muscles of the legs. This asana has a positive effect on the muscles and can reduce stiffness in the hips and thighs.
How to do:
By regular practice of these yogasanas, you can get relief from the problem of varicose veins and strengthen your muscles.