Why does weight increase in winter? Know the reason for this
News Update January 10, 2025 10:24 AM

Winter weight gain: As the winter season approaches, the problem of people gaining weight becomes common. While warm clothes and cool breeze are enjoyed in the winter season, many people start worrying about weight gain. Experts say that in winter our body demands extra energy, which becomes the main reason for weight gain.

In winter, our metabolism slows down and with it our eating habits change. Due to all these reasons, weight gain becomes normal, but it can be stopped by understanding it properly. Let us know the main reasons behind weight gain in winter.

cause of increased appetite

During winter, more calories are needed to keep the body warm. This is the body's natural response to provide energy. In cold, our body demands more food to maintain heat, due to which appetite increases and we often eat more than required.

decreased physical activity

Due to low temperature in winter, most people like to stay indoors. Due to cold, one does not feel like going to the gym or exercising outside, which leads to reduction in physical activities. Due to less activity, calories are not burnt, which leads to weight gain.

habit of eating heavy and sweet food

In the cold season, the craving for hot and sweet food increases. People consume more pakoras, sweets and heavy food, which increases the calorie intake. This is also a major reason for weight gain.

effect of lack of sunlight

In winter the days become shorter and there is less sunlight. Sunlight is the main source of Vitamin D, deficiency of which can reduce serotonin levels. It affects mood and appetite, causing people to overeat.

lack of drinking water

In winter people drink less water than normal days. This can cause dehydration in the body, which slows down the metabolism. Drinking less water reduces the body's ability to burn calories, which contributes to weight gain.

Ways to avoid weight gain in winter

  • Eat a balanced diet: Choose a nutritious and low-calorie diet during the cold season.

  • Maintain physical activities: Practice regular exercise and yoga.

  • Drink enough water: It is important to keep the body hydrated.

  • Take sunshine: Spend some time in the mild morning sunlight.

Weight gain is normal in winter, but it can be controlled by adopting the right measures. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, not only weight can be controlled, but the cold weather can also be enjoyed to the fullest.

Disclaimer: This article is based on media reports, JBT does not confirm it.

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