Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan's fan following is not only in India but all over the world. Hrithik has also received the title of Most Handsome Man of the World. People like Hrithik's fitness, good looks and tall height. In such a situation, when Kapil Sharma asked Hrithik about calling him Greek God, let us know what was the actor's answer.
A few years ago, Hrithik Roshan had reached Kapil Sharma's show with Vaani Kapoor for the promotion of the film War. Here, Hrithik Roshan answered Kapil Sharma's fun-filled question in the same manner.
When Kapil Sharma asked Hrithik Roshan, 'Sir, there is a rumor about you that people call you Greek God and have heard that you also receive offerings from Greece?' To this Hrithik Roshan had replied, 'I had gone to Greece for a film shoot. So I got off the plane, entered the airport, was walking and no one recognized me. I am the God here…no one recognized me here. Then I realized that everyone was lying to me on social media. So it has been proved that all this is wrong.
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The people of Greece believe that their God is very powerful, he has an attractive body, a different light in his eyes and a sharp face cutting. Hrithik Roshan has all these features, his personality is exactly the same. Because of this, a hashtag went viral on social media in which Hrithik Roshan was described as God of Greek. Hrithik had also adopted a similar getup in the 2006 film Dhoom 2. Since then, there was a lot of discussion about him and when the time came for social media, he was called by this name.
Hrithik Roshan's previous release was the film Fighter which was released in early 2024. Now the name of his upcoming film is 'War 2' which can be released on Independence Day this year. The film War 2 is being directed by Ayan Mukherjee and South superstar Junior NTR will be seen as the villain in it.