WhatsApp update tracking website WabetaInfo recently reported that WhatsApp is testing a feature that lets you add photos to every poll. For example, if you're running a poll with your friends to choose a destination for your next trip, you can now add a photo of each location. This makes it easier for people to take decisions because a picture is worth a thousand words.
Feature seen in beta version
Although this feature is currently in the testing phase and has been seen in the Android beta version of WhatsApp, this feature is currently only for channels. Channels are currently a one-way conversation tool that is being used across multiple channels.
How does this new feature work?
If you're creating a poll and you add a photo to one option, you'll need to add photos to all the other options as well. Imagine, if one option has a photo and the other doesn't, it can be a bit confusing. So, WhatsApp may fix this to keep everything the same.
The photo poll feature is currently only available on beta channels, but the report says that it will soon be released for group chats as well. Although the exact rollout date for the feature has not been revealed yet, it is likely to roll out in the coming weeks.