Earlier, Mythri Movie Makers, the banner behind Pushpa 2, shared the news on its official social media account and wrote, ''Pushpa2TheRule RELOADED VERSION with 20 minutes of added footage will play in cinemas from 11th January. The WILDFIRE gets extra FIERY #Pushpa2Reloaded''
Now, citing 'technical delays in the processing of content', Pushpa's official X handles shared the news announcing the delay in the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule Reloaded. ''Due to technical delays in processing the content, the reloaded version of Pushpa 2 The Rule is delayed. It will now screen in theatres from 17th January instead of 11th January as planned earlier. Happy Sankranthi, everyone! The extended version will be worth the wait with additional whistle-worthy moments. The wildfire gets more fiery,'' Pushpa movie handle wrote in the post.
Directed by Sukumar, the film is the sequel to the 2021 release of the same name. Pushpa 2: The Rule also stars Rashmika Mandarina, Jagapathi Babu, Prakash Raj and Fahadh Faasil in key roles. Recently, the third chapter of the franchise titled Pushpa 3: The Rampage was announced