Trains and airplanes have been delayed due to reduced visibility caused by dense fog in northern areas like Uttar Pradesh. On Friday, the highly anticipated Shram Shakti Express from New Delhi to Kanpur Central was almost seven hours late. In addition, a number of the well-known trains, such as Shatabdi, Rajdhani, and Vande Bharat, were running late because of the heavy fog, particularly in the morning.
On Friday, the railroads reported that the majority of the trains were running late, which was uncomfortable for the passengers. It further said that due to the poor visibility, about 90% of the 288 trains that passed through the station were delayed. Additionally, it said that the people were on the station grounds, waiting for the trains. During the day, the trains are often on schedule, but when the fog builds in the evening, things get more problematic.
The railway administration has canceled a number of trains on various routes between January 10 and February 26 in order to smoothly control train operations. Railways have announced that the weekly train between Surat and Chhapra would not operate between January 15 and February 26. During the same period, the weekly train between Ahmedabad and Patna would also be canceled.
Additionally, it said that on Friday at 7.30 am, the first train to Mahakumbh would leave Govindpuri. In addition, it was announced that by the end of February, city dwellers would have access to metro services.
The chief minister has requested further time to launch the metro run trial to the central station, according to public relations officer Panchanan Mishra. According to him, the trial run will start as soon as the board receives his consent. The meteorological service said on Friday that there will be light rain in a number of the state’s districts during the next several days.