The Kerala Lottery results for Friday, January 10th, Nirmal NR 414, have been made public. Ticket buyers may visit the official Kerala Lottery website for the most recent information or follow live results on the Jagran English website. The lottery offers a cash reward of up to ₹70 lakh for the first prize, and the winners are chosen at random. This lottery system is run by Kerala State Lotteries, which was founded in 1967.
In India, the Kerala Lottery is regarded as one of the most reliable games for making money by chance. The fortunate draw is held in Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, at Gorky Bhavan, which is close to Bakery Junction. Thirteen states, including West Bengal, Goa, Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim, have legalized lottery games in addition to Kerala.
Today’s Kerala Lottery Result: Nirmal NR 414 Friday Lottery Cash Prize and Winning Lucky Numbers
Nirmal NR 414’s cash prizes for January 10, 2025: The winner of today’s lottery will earn Rs 70 lakh, followed by Rs 10 lakh for the second-place finisher and Rs 5,000 for the third. The fourth-place finishers will get Rs 2,000, while the fifth-place finishers will get Rs 1,000. Those who come sixth and seventh will get Rs 500 and Rs 100, respectively. A consolation award of Rs 8,000 will also be given to a few contestants.
Nirmal’s Cash Prizes: NR 414
For Rs 70 lakh, the first winners are:
Second Place Recipients for Rs 10 Lakh:
Winners of consolation for Rs 8,000:
For Rs 1 lakh, the third winners are:
Fourth Place Winners, Rs 5000:
Fifth Place Winners of Rs. 1000:
Sixth Place Winners: Rs 500
7th Prize Recipients: