Hindi cinema's veteran actress Rekha may have distanced herself from the big screen, but even today, whenever she comes on stage, she wins everyone's heart with her excellent dance moves. There is no dearth of fans for the acting and beauty of Bollywood's 'Umrao Jaan'. But this beauty at one time became a cause of trouble for Rekha. The amazing thing is that not only Rekha but many people were troubled by this. Let us tell you this interesting story.
The songs of Rekha's film 'Umrao Jaan' were a big hit, which people still like to listen to. Farooq Sheikh was also seen along with Rekha in this film, who played the role of Nawab. Farooq Shaikh himself had narrated an interesting but scary story related to this film.
Farooq Shaikh had told, “The shooting of Umrao Jaan was taking place in an old house located in Malihabad near Lucknow. Then the people there got a clue that a romantic scene was going to be shot between Rekha and me. The entire village wanted to see this scene whether or not it saw some other scene. The room where the shooting was to take place was so small that apart from both of us, the cameraman and the technician were also able to fit in it with great difficulty. In such a situation, it became difficult to show that scene to the people of the village. The whole village had gathered there to watch this scene.”
Farooq Shaikh further said, “Everyone wanted to see him, but some got the chance and some did not. Some were told to come after 5 minutes and some were told to come after 2 minutes. The situation had become such that a heated atmosphere had developed there, guns were out and bullets were about to be fired. The atmosphere had become tense, everyone was worried. The makers were completely lost. Anyway, somehow the shooting was completed in that tense atmosphere.”