Trupti Dimri continues to be in the headlines. First 'Bad News' then 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3' and after that 'Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video', three films of the actress have been released in a year. It is a different matter that only one of them lasted. For the past many days, Trupti's name was being linked to 'Aashiqui 3', but according to the latest updates, she has been shown the way out of this film. Apart from professional life, Tripti also remains in the headlines for her personal life. There have been reports for some time that the actress is dating businessman Sam Merchant. A photo of both of them has also gone viral. Amidst all this, when the actress was asked a question about dating an actor during the interview, she gave an interesting answer.
Trupti Dimri and Sam Merchant were seen together during an outing. After their photos went viral, speculations have started that they are dating each other. However, the actress has not yet given any answer on this. In fact, when asked about dating an actor, she answered in a different way.
Trupti Dimri recently gave an interview to Filmfare, where she talked about many issues. During this, Trupti Dimri was asked whether she would ever date an actor. In response to this question, Trupti said, “Maybe this will not happen. Because if one person is so busy, then the other's work should at least be flexible, so that you have time to meet each other." Trupti further said that “Acting job is very demanding and it takes a lot of energy.”
When the Animal actress was asked whether she would be upset when her partner flirts with someone else? On this Trupti said, absolutely. And the actress also said that she does not think she will have time to date any actor. Talking about the personal life of the actress, recently she was in Europe and celebrated the New Year there. He had posted some photos on Instagram from his Finland and Sweden getaway. The interesting thing is that at the same time, Sam Merchant had also posted his photos from the same places. Then fans guessed that perhaps the two were holidaying together.