In recent times, Aishwarya Rai is being trolled on social media for her increased weight. Meanwhile, there have been reports that she is going through menopause, which is a normal process for every woman. During this period, many major changes occur in the body, and weight gain is one of them. Generally, menopause can start after the age of 45, while its symptoms start appearing gradually after the age of 40. Problems like stress, hot flashes, mood swings, joint pain, and weak vision may also occur at this time. When commenting on another woman's body, one should keep in mind that all these changes are part of life. Real beauty is not just in the external appearance but also in the way one faces these situations. You can live a prosperous life while facing challenges as you age. But first, it's important to understand why women gain weight during menopause.
Hormonal changes occur in women's bodies during periods, and these changes continue even when periods stop. At this time, the level of estrogen hormone falls rapidly, due to which fat accumulation in the stomach and waist increases. This also increases the risk of heart diseases. Apart from this, the balance of insulin hormone in the body gets disturbed, which can cause obesity.
With menopause, energy levels and physical activity begin to decline. This slows down the metabolism, which affects the digestive system. Untimely and wrong eating habits, increased stress, and low muscle density also further reduce metabolism. This reduces the amount of calories burned in the body, due to which fat starts accumulating.
Paying attention to your body becomes even more important as we age. Some steps you can take:
By adopting these measures, you can control your weight during menopause and live a healthy lifestyle.