Congress MLA in Madhya Pradesh Arif Masood raised the issue of Muslims in the Congress meeting on Friday. During this, Masood said that the Muslims destroyed the Muslim League. When BJP people target Muslims, our people become silent. He said that we need to take tough decisions in the direction in which the country's environment is being taken. A Hindu-Muslim environment is being created in the country. BJP talks about Hindutva and we start playing on its platform, so you play, but you will always lose.
Meanwhile, Congress MLA Phool Singh Baraiya has supported this statement of Arif Masood. In the meeting, Phool Singh Baraiya said that it is true that if Congress plays on BJP's pitch, it will never win. We have to play on our pitch.
Congress MLA Phool Singh Baraiya said that Baba Saheb Ambedkar's thoughts and Constitution are our pitch and BJP cannot compete with us here. On Arif Masood's statement, Phool Singh Baraiya said that he was right that we are playing wrongly on their pitch and have been losing often.
In this matter, BJP spokesperson Narendra Saluja said that the Congress meeting was on Baba Saheb Ambedkar and the Constitution. But this was just for saying, Muslim appeasement was discussed in the meeting and the agenda of Congress is clear from this. During this, MLA Arif Masood opened a front against all the Congress leaders that all are afraid of standing in favor of Muslims.