Recently 'Ticket to Finale' task was announced in Salman Khan's Bigg Boss. Avinash Mishra, Isha Singh and Rajat Dalal tried their best to make Vivian Dsena the winner in this task. But despite becoming the winner, Vivian gave her 'ticket to finale' to Chum Darang. This action of his made Isha Singh along with Avinash Mishra and Rajat Dalal very angry. In the latest episode of Bigg Boss, Karanvir Mehra asked Avinash Mishra and Rajat Dalal that if it was their sister instead of Chum Darang, would they have encouraged Vivian Dsena to play aggressively in this way.
Answering this question asked by Karanvir Mehra, Avinash told him that if I had a sister and I played against her in the finale task, I would have played like this. But Karanvir believed that if Avinash had not provoked Vivian Dsena, then Vivian would not have become aggressive, he would have performed the task of 'Ticket to Finale' with a calm mind. But Avinash Mishra did not agree to this. After Avinash, Karanvir asked the same question to Rajat Dalal and Rajat Dalal gave him an interesting answer.
The conflict between Karan and Rajat disappeared from Chum's face. Will there be any new drama in the house now?
View #BiggBoss18Mon-Fri 10:30 pm and Sat-Sun 9:30 pm, only #Colors and @JioCinema par.#BiggBoss18 #BiggBoss #BB18@KaranVeerMehra @rajat_9629
— Bigg Boss (@BiggBoss) January 10, 2025
When Karanvir Mehra asked Rajat Dalal present in the garden area that if Chum Darang If one of his family members had performed in this task instead of him, would you have performed in the same way? Answering this question of Karan, Rajat Dalal said, “If any of my family members had been in Chum's place, I would have given him only one advice. I would tell them to play the game like a game. I would give him suggestions regarding clothes. I would tell them to play this game wearing thick clothes. So that when you fall, or you are dragged, you do not get badly injured.