In a shocking incident from Gujarat, a girl has fallen ill after consuming a packet of namkeen from a well-known company. The namkeen, which appeared to be perfectly sealed, contained a dead rat, which was discovered after the girl began experiencing symptoms of illness. The girl, who had been eating the snack, developed diarrhea and was rushed to Davdar Hospital for treatment.
Incident DetailsThe incident occurred in Prempur village, Sabarkantha, Gujarat. According to the girl's father, the snack was being fed to his daughter by his wife when the girl suddenly started vomiting. Upon further inspection, the family found a dead rat inside the packet. The family has now demanded that the Food and Drugs Department take strict action against the company for its negligence.
Previous Similar IncidentsThis is not the first time such an alarming case has come to light. In 2023, during the Cauvery water dispute protests, a similar incident occurred where a dead rat was found in the breakfast served to policemen on duty, shocking everyone present.
Importance of CautionIncidents like this highlight the need for consumers to be vigilant and cautious when purchasing food products. It is essential to thoroughly check the items before consumption to ensure they are clean and safe. Negligence in food production can have serious consequences, and it is crucial to prioritize the health and safety of yourself and your family.