In Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a police constable died after his throat was cut with a Chinese manjha. The policemen riding the bike were going for departmental work. During this time the manja got stuck in his neck and he fell down. The local people hurriedly took him to the hospital, where the doctors declared the constable dead after examination. After getting information about the incident, the father and brother of the deceased reached the hospital. Regarding the entire matter, the police say that they have started investigating the matter.
Constable Shahrukh Hasan (27), originally from Amroha, died in Shahjahanpur. The deceased constable was posted in the prosecution office and was going to the Government Medical College, Azizganj for departmental work. Meanwhile, the string of a Chinese manja got stuck around his neck on the Garra river bridge. Shahrukh tried a lot to remove Manjha, but instead of moving away, he started getting deeper into his throat.
After this he fell down from his bike. Seeing the constable falling down, people nearby ran to him and immediately took him in an e-rickshaw to the Government Medical College, where the doctors declared him dead. As soon as the matter was known, DM and SP immediately reached the hospital. DM says that strictest action will be taken against the accused Chinese Manjha traders.
Information about the incident was given to the family of the deceased constable. After which the father and brother of the deceased immediately reached the hospital. Since the death of constable Shahrukh, the family is in a bad condition and crying. There is silence in Shahrukh's village. Regarding the whole matter, the police say that the body of the constable has been taken into custody and sent for post-mortem. Strictest action will be taken against Chinese Manjha traders.