India's star spinner Yuzvendra Chahal is facing turmoil in his personal life. There have been rumors of divorce between Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma for several days continuously. However, nothing has been said yet regarding this matter from both sides. But both of them unfollowed each other on social media, after which the news of divorce started gaining momentum. Now amid the news of divorce, an old video of Chahal and Dhanashree has surfaced in which Chahal is saying that he has no worries in life.
An old video of Chahal and Dhanashree is being shared on social media. Veteran cricketer Shikhar Dhawan is also seen with him in this video. The video is visible of Chahal and Dhanashree's wedding. In this, Chahal and Shikhar were seen in a fun-filled manner. During this, Chahal presented a poetic style for Dhawan. He had said in the crowd, 'I don't care about anyone in long as I have my elder brother Shikhar'. After saying this, Chahal and Dhawan started dancing. Dhanashree was also laughing loudly and clapping.
There are reports of rift between Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma after almost four years of marriage. While talking about her and Chahal's love story during a show, Dhanashree had told that when there was a lockdown in India, Chahal had contacted Dhanashree to learn dance. Dhanashree had also agreed to this thing.
Chahal and Dhanashree's meeting soon turned into friendship and then love. After this their relationship soon turned into marriage. After feeling love for each other, both of them got married with great pomp in Gurugram in December 2020. However, now after four years, their relationship is on the verge of breaking. Recently, a report in Times of India had said that their divorce is certain but a formal announcement is yet to be made.