The friendship between famous Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar and Kajol is very old. Kajol has worked in many films of Karan Johar and those films have also been superhit. Karan Johar and Kajol are friends since childhood, but Karan still remembers the first time they met because Karan was very upset with Kajol's behavior at that time. Not only this, Karan became so irritated that he left the party.
Once Karan Johar and Kajol came together in Kapil Sharma's show. During this, both of them remembered their old days. On a question from Kapil Sharma, Karan Johar narrated an old anecdote of his, in which he and Kajol met for the first time.
Kapil Sharma asked Kajol, 'We have heard that Kajol ma'am doesn't like 99 people out of 100?' On this Kajol had said, 'Yes, that is why I have less friends.' Then Karan Johar said, 'That's why I said there are 7 people.' Kapil Sharma again said, 'It is said that when Ajay Devgan met him for the first time, he did not even like Ajay Sir.' Even on this, Karan said, 'Of course, I know, ask me.' Saying this, Karan looked at Kajol and said that he knows a lot, should he tell? So Kajol looks at Karan and indicates no.
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After this, Kapil Sharma asked Kajol, 'So ma'am, when you met Karan sir for the first time, did you like him?' So both Kajol and Karan shouted together and said – No.” Then Karan Johar had said, 'She was laughing like crazy.' Kapil asked, 'Why were you laughing, ma'am?' So Kajol said, 'Actually I went to a film party. That party was on a disco theme where everyone was in cool dresses. Just then Mr. Johar enters there, that too in a three-piece suit. Wearing a tie inside, imagine a 21 year old boy has come to a party dressed like this. I started laughing and I am laughing so much after seeing them.
On this, Karan Johar had said, 'All his words are wrong. I was 17 years old and she was 15. I thought it was a film party so I should go dressed up. So I went there wearing a three-piece suit. Kajal's mother, Tanu Aunty, her mother are family friends, father and mother have known Tanu Aunty for years, so they introduced her that this is Karan, Yash and Hiru's son and this is Kajol. She looked me up and down and started laughing, she was with her friends. You aunty said go dance with Kajal. Meaning, people can laugh at someone for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, but this girl laughed at me for half an hour. I became so irritated that I left the party. Then we met at the premiere of the film Hina and the friendship that developed then remains even today.