Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The City police again launched a drive against antisocial elements and people driving vehicles under the influence of alcohol on Saturday night. Police from all zones, including traffic cops. were seen checking the vehicles and patrolling the city.
On the instruction of Commissioner of Police Santosh Kumar Singh, the DCPs of all zones instructed their subordinates to launch a drive against the criminals/antisocial elements in their areas.
During the drive, about 1177 criminals/antisocial elements were checked and action was taken against 535 for their involvement in criminal activities. Equipped with breath analysers , police deployed in Lasudia, Vijay Nagar, MIG and other entry points of the city caught 169 people driving under the influence of liquor.
They were booked under section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act and their vehicles were seized. Meanwhile, the Aerodrome police caught two people with cannabis. They were booked under the relevant section of the NDPS act. As many as 267 warrants, including arrest warrants, were executed by the police during the drive. Police also registered four cases for consuming liquor in public places.