Karan Johar is one of those Bollywood stars who spend the most time on social media. He often shares updates related to his personal and professional life with fans through his posts. Recently, filmmaker Karan Johar said that he is dating someone. According to his post, his partner listens to all his talks and also helps him in paying some of his bills.
Now you must be wondering who is the one in whose love Karan Johar is going crazy. So let me tell you, this is not a person but a phone app. This app is Instagram. Karan Johar shared a funny post on social media and said that he is dating Instagram.
Expressed love
The filmmaker writes in his post, 'I am dating Instagram. It listens to all my talks. Lets me follow my dreams and also pays some of my bills. There is no reason not to love.
Karan's specialty is that he is an expert in the art of laughing at himself. For many years, he has been cracking jokes about himself and making his fans laugh. The filmmaker not only stays connected with his fans through this medium but also entertains them.
Took the trolls to task
A few days ago, the filmmaker made a lot of headlines with his T-shirt. Karan Johar, who is often called the flag bearer of nepotism, wore a Nepo Baby T-shirt. This was being seen as a taunt on trolls.
PC Social media