Veere Pahariya, who is making his Bollywood debut in Akshay Kumar’s film Sky Force, had a highly emotional and transformative encounter with the family of Squadron Leader Ajjamada B Devayya, the war hero whose story inspired his role in the film. Veer’s heart-wrenching reminisces about his meeting with the Devayya family left everyone, including Janhvi Kapoor, in tears.
An Emotional Encounter with the Devayya Family
Veer met with Mrs. Sundari Devayya, a 90-year-old widow of the late Mahavir Chakra recipient, along with their daughters, Smitha and Preetha, in Bengaluru before the film’s release. Veer shared his experience by writing an emotional note on social media stating how the visit touched his heart and deepened his understanding of the heroism and sacrifice of Squadron Leader Devayya.
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In his post, Veer quoted, “I have spent the last 3 and a half years learning to portray the life and heroism of this wonderful man while rehearsing for my role of ‘Tabby’ in Sky Force. I thought I knew how bold and selfless he was. Listening to his family’s anecdotes about him today leaves me so profoundly moved and humbled.”
Veer told the world of the quiet strength and enduring love that Mrs. Sundari Devayya has for her late husband in this regard and termed it as a tribute to their unbeatable bond. He added, “Their daughters fill the room with stories about their father: his courage, kindness, and unwavering sense of duty.”
Legacy of a Hero
Squadron Leader Devayya, whose posthumous Mahavir Chakra was given to him for his valorous act in the 1965 Indo-Pak War, wherein he lost his life defending his motherland. The encounter with the family reiterated the significance of Veer’s position and responsibility towards bringing this saga to the big screen.
Veer further added, “Today, I was in tears in the face of their resilience and immense sacrifice, yet overwhelmingly proud to be a part of bringing his story to the world through Sky Force. This meeting will stay with me forever, reminding me of the deep cost of heroism and the unyielding spirit of those who carry its torch.”
Janhvi Kapoor’s Emotional Response
Veer’s touching post resonated with Janhvi Kapoor, who is dating Veer’s brother, Shikhar Pahariya. Janhvi shared Veer’s post on her Instagram Story with emotional emojis, showing her support and pride in his journey. Known for her close bond with the Pahariya family, Janhvi has been rooting for Veer as he steps into the world of Bollywood.
Directed by Akshay Kumar, Sky Force is a movie inspired from real events that pays homage to the bravery of the Indian Air Force. Debutant Veer essays the role of “Tabby.” The strong bond that the protagonist feels towards the story enhances his performance in terms of being true and intense.
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