South film director Trindha Rao Nakkina recently addressed the stage at the teaser launch of his film Mazaka. During this, he said something about the film's lead actress Anshu Ambani, after which he started getting trolled on social media. When there was a lot of opposition to his objectionable statement, he publicly apologized for it. After this, now even the actress has reacted to this and on the contrary, she has defended the director.
South actress Anshu Ambani is making a comeback after a gap of almost 20 years. She has become a part of the film Mazaka. On this special occasion, while talking about the actress, the film's director Trinadha made objectionable remarks, after which she was trolled fiercely. Now when he realized his mistake, he apologized. He shared a video and wrote- “Hello everyone, especially women. I apologize to all those women who have been hurt by my words. It was not my intention to hurt anyone. I may have done this knowingly or unknowingly but it is wrong. I want all of you to have a big heart and forgive me,” his video is also viral on social media.
Talking about the matter, earlier the director was being trolled on social media for his statement, but on the contrary, the actress for whom he had said these things has praised the director. Due to this, even the trolls have stopped speaking. Talking about Trindha Rao, the director of Mazaka film, the actress said - I want to tell you that Trindha is truly the sweetest person on this planet. They really are. I am sure whatever he said was misinterpreted.
The actress further said- During the entire journey of film shooting, he treated me like a family. I worked on this film for more than 60 days. I received nothing but love, respect and good wishes during this period. Let us let this matter go now. I am very excited about this film and want all of us to watch this film for a good cause. It was a pleasure working with Trindha. I don't think there is anyone better than him to guide me in the Telugu industry. For this I would like to thank his entire team.