On Tuesday, the Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) in Patna organized a Dahi-Chura feast in honor of Makar Sankranti, which generated a lot of political debate.
One significant event that could have shown unity or strategic alignment was the presence of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Water Resources Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary. The host, Chirag Paswan’s, failure to personally greet the dignitaries, however, became the subject of conversation. CM Nitish Kumar and other visitors were instead greeted by Raju Tiwari, the party’s state president, and other senior officials.
CM Nitish Kumar honored the late Ram Vilas Paswan by placing flowers beside his picture when he arrived. This showed how much the two leaders respected each other despite shifting political circumstances over time. Before departing, he also had a short conversation with partygoers.
CM Nitish Kumar’s visit was marred by the host Chirag Paswan’s absence, which raised questions about the incident’s potential political ramifications. There has been conjecture on whether this absence had political overtones or was just a scheduling error.
In light of Bihar’s complicated political dynamics, Chirag Paswan’s choice to skip such an important event is being examined as a possible message. In response, LJP (RV) state president Raju Tiwari said that Chirag Paswan was en route at the time and the chief minister had come early.
By calling CM Nitish Kumar a “guardian” and embracing his unexpected visit, he underlined the cordial connection between the party and the chief minister.
“Nitish Kumar honored Ram Vilas Paswan and casually said that the LJP office—also known as “my house’—is important to us. “He is our protector,” Tiwari said.
Leaders from the NDA coalition, such as BJP State President Dilip Jaiswal, Vijay Kumar Sinha, and Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Chaudhary, were also invited by Chirag Paswan. But when the Chief Minister showed up at the location, they were also absent.
This episode serves as a reminder of how political symbolism is placed over such cultural events, with every gesture, timing, and comment being subject matter for interpretation within the complex political web of Bihar.