The arrogance of a chief has come to light in Kharik of Navgachia police district of Bhagalpur, where after entering the zonal office, he beat a revenue employee severely by throwing him on the ground with shoes and kicks. The chief dragged the zonal employee out and beat him brutally in front of everyone. The police reached the information and arrested the accused chief. Navgachia SDO Rituraj Pratap Singh also reached the zonal office on the spot.
The police got the injured zonal worker admitted to the community health center for treatment. Accused chief Umesh Yadav adopted a strange trick to escape from the police. He locked himself in a room in the zonal office and got it locked from outside, so that no one would know of his presence, but his trick failed.
First the police searched for him a lot in the zonal office, but could not find any trace of him, then after thorough investigation they found the chief locked in a room there. After this, the police opened the room and immediately arrested him.
The victim zonal worker Baburam told that while he was executing the revenue related work, the head Umesh Yadav reached there and started pressurizing him for forced conversion by showing the Khathi. The chief was told that the partition deed is prepared in the presence of all the parties and Panchganas.
Further action is taken only after that, but he kept pressuring me to change, to which I clearly refused. After this the chief became enraged and beat me. At present an FIR has been registered regarding the allegations made by the zonal worker.