Tamil actor and director Dhanush's fourth directorial venture, Idli Kadai, starring Nithya Menen, is set to hit theatres in April 2025. On Monday, Dhanush unveiled two new posters from the film on social media and extended Pongal wishes to his fans. One of the posters features Dhanush gazing into the distance against a picturesque backdrop, while the other captures him sharing a warm embrace with his co-star, Nithya Menen.
The announcement for Idli Kadai, which translates to 'idli shop', was made by Dhanush in September. The first-look poster showcased a rustic roadside shack under a starry sky, with a tree standing beside it on a quiet street. The poster depicted a young man outside the shop while another individual was busy handling goods inside.
In October, Nithya Menen revealed that she would be joining the cast of Idli Kadai, marking her second collaboration with Dhanush after their successful film Thiruchitrambalam.
Dhanush, who was last seen in Raayan, has an exciting slate of upcoming projects. These include Sekhar Kammula's Kubera, co-starring Rashmika Mandanna and Akkineni Nagarjuna, as well as a new film directed by Vetri Maaran.