Bollywood’s prominent actress Katrina Kaif recently narrated an interesting and funny anecdote from the shooting of the movie Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. Speaking to Indian media, Katrina said she had slapped co-star Imran Khan, versatile actor, 20 times during filming for a scene.
Katrina remembered that the shot demanded her to slap Imran at a certain point. At first, she was unable to deliver the slap convincingly. Disappointed by her performance, Imran proposed a solution to make the shot feel more real: he asked her to slap him for real to give the shot more authenticity.
Katrina agreed to this plan, and they shot several takes. As the slaps kept coming, she ended up slapping Imran 15 or 16 times. After that, Imran started pleading for the scene to stop as he could not take any more slaps. However, that was when they had managed to get the shot, and that turned out to be one of the best scenes of the film.
In the ensemble cast of 2011, Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Imran Khan and Katrina Kaif starred along with Ali Zafar and Tara D’Souza. The film proved to be really popular and for its quirky sense of humor and engaging performances as well as this hilarious incident that involved Katrina and Imran.
Katrina’s revelation adds a lighter, more amusing side to her experience while working on the film, highlighting the behind-the-scenes moments that make the process of filmmaking so unique and enjoyable.
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