The problems of Mark Zuckerberg, the head of social media companies like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, may increase. Recently, during a podcast, he gave a statement regarding India's 2024 Lok Sabha elections, which has now raised the eyebrows of the Indian government. The Communication and Information Technology Committee of the Indian Parliament is going to send a summons to him soon.
Committee Chairman Dr. Nishikant Dubey says that the Parliamentary Committee is going to send a summons to Meta (Facebook) soon. The government is going to send this summons on the comments of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg regarding the country's 18th Lok Sabha elections.
Responding to the tweet of Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, Dr. Nishikant Dubey said that his committee will send a notice to Meta for spreading this misinformation. Wrong information about any democratic country tarnishes the image of the country. For this mistake, Meta will have to apologize to the Indian Parliament and the people here.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a podcast with Joe Rogan that 2024 was a big election year for the world. Governments changed in many countries and in a country like India, the existing government suffered losses.
Mark Zuckerberg said that this is a kind of global pattern, whether it is inflation arising due to the economic policy adopted to deal with Covid, or the way governments are dealing with Covid, the impact of all these is not only in America but the whole world. Seen in. This reduced the trust of the people and hence its impact was seen on the existing governments of those countries.
My committee for this misinformation @MetaMeta Will call. Misinformation about any democratic country tarnishes the image of the country. That organization will have to apologize to the Indian Parliament and the people for this mistake
— Dr Nishikant Dubey (@nishikant_dubey) January 14, 2025
Expressing displeasure over this statement of Mark Zuckerberg, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that the statement of Meta CEO is beyond the facts. He said, “Mark Zuckerberg is spreading misinformation on his own. Let us look at the facts and credibility related to this…
Ashwini Vaishnav said that from providing free food to 80 crore people in India, 2.2 billion Covid vaccines were administered. Apart from this, help was sent to countries around the world to deal with Covid. The third term of Prime Minister Narendra Modi shows good governance and public trust in it. 64 crore voters exercised their franchise in India's Lok Sabha elections 2024. India is the world's largest democracy.