The film Vanvas was released on 20 December 2024, in which Nana Patekar was seen in an important role. During the promotion of the film, Nana Patekar had reached the sets of Amitabh Bachchan's quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati 16. Nana and the great hero shared many stories of the past. Nana had also told Big B the reason for going to his village.
Nana Patekar did a lot of work in the 90s, but a few years ago news came that Nana had quit working in the industry. Pictures of Nana also came from his village, in which he was seen living a simple life. Nana gave the answer to this in KBC 16.
In KBC 16, Amitabh Bachchan had asked Nana Patekar, 'After achieving so much fame, not only in your work but for the country... why did you leave all this and go to the village?' On this Nana Patekar had said, 'I am not from the industry. I come here, work, go back. I have never gone to any party here. I don't like it there, which means I can't adjust. I belong to a village and will stay there, I feel good there. I think I got my childhood back. The life there is so amazingly peaceful. I tell the truth.
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Then Amitabh Bachchan said, 'When you go to the village, how does your day pass? I see your pictures, you live a normal life there. I also feel like doing that but now it is probably not possible. Nana Patekar said on this that whatever you feel like doing, don't follow your wishes. On this answer of Nana Patekar, Amitabh Bachchan laughs and looks at him with surprise.
Amitabh Bachchan and Nana Patekar are two popular names of Hindi cinema, who have given many amazing films. Both of them did a film together, which was named Kohram and it was released in 1999. The film Kohram, directed by Mehul Kumar, was also the same. Artists like Nana Patekar, Amitabh Bachchan, Tabu, Jaya Prada, Danny were seen in the film. However, this film flopped at the box office.