Bollywood actor Jaideep Ahlawat is in the news for the second season of his upcoming series 'Paatal Lok'. Only three days are left for the release, meanwhile a mountain of sorrow has fallen on the actor's family. Jaideep's father has passed away. As soon as Jaideep got information about his father's death, he left for Delhi. Jaideep got a lot of fame from the first season of Paatal Lok.
Jaideep played the character of Hathiram Chaudhary in Paatal Lok. The first season of the show was a big hit and Jaideep's acting in this show was greatly appreciated. However, before the release of the show, Jaideep faced very bad times. Fans are giving their condolences to his family.
Recently Jaideep was caught on media cameras. He was spotted at Delhi airport. The sorrow of losing his father was clearly visible on his face. Fans are very upset seeing their favorite star like this. In an interview given to Amar Ujala, Jaideep had told that his father liked watching films. Jaideep had told, 'He used to bring Guru Dutt's films... used to watch films like Pyaasa and Devdas at home by playing the video cassette player. We also watched a lot of Dharmendra's films in those days.
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Jaideep had told that it was his father who introduced him to films. He was very young in those days and today he thinks that perhaps at that time his father did not understand that he had to become an actor. Jaideep had also told that he was very afraid of his father. Jaideep had told that his father was a teacher, hence he was very interested in studies. However, when Jaideep told him that he wanted to become an actor, his father understood his point.