New Delhi: Bigg Boss season 18 has its top 7 contestants who are in the race to win the reality show. With the Bigg Boss 18 grand finale set to premiere on January 19, 2025, the end is closer than ever. The finale week kickstarted with the show inviting the media and putting the contestants in their direct line of fire. The previous episode saw journalists firing heated questions at contestants. Be it Vivian Dsena’s ‘fake chivalry’, Eisha Singh’s ‘backward and misogynist’ comments towards Chum or Shilpa Shirodkar’s self-respect, the media did not hold back.
The latest Bigg Boss 18 episode (January 14), shows the press conference in full swing as the contestants face hard-hitting questions that might make them falter. The most burning questions came to Karan Veer, Avinash Mishra and Rajat Dalal.
With all the contestants nominated for mid-week elimination, the makers opened the voting lines till 5 PM on January 14, 2025. Based on audience votes, the house will see another elimination in the upcoming episodes before having its top 6.
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