Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that Chitrakoot Dham will be developed on the lines of Ayodhya. He added that a meeting was held for development of Chitrakoot Dham and many valuable suggestions were received in it. He was interacting with media persons after attending the meeting in Chitrakoot on Tuesday. He added that the state government is making efforts to re-establish the pride of Chitrakoot by connecting it with the historical era of Lord Ram.
He informed that a work plan is being prepared which is focused on development projects. On the basis of suggestions received in the meeting, efforts will be made to develop Chitrakoot in sync with its pride and glorious history. Minister, Members of Parliament, MLAs etc attended the meeting.
Yadav all praise for Prayagraj Kumbh arrangements
CM praised the arrangements made in Prayagraj Kumbh in Uttar Pradesh. Such arrangements could be studied for management of big fairs. He informed that a delegation of Madhya Pradesh officials has been sent to Prayagraj to study the arrangements made for Mahakumbh.
He said such arrangements open the gates over how to do better arrangements for pilgrims in religious fairs. He informed that through the medium of Chitrakoot Development Authority, development of Chitrakoot will take place in a speedy manner.