The eyes of all the 7 contestants who reached the last week of 'Bigg Boss 18' became moist when the famous film director and production designer Omung Kumar, who created the magnificent set of Salman Khan's show, went inside the house. Actually, Omung Kumar had brought with him the letters which his near and dear ones had written to his family. These letters also included a letter written by Karanvir Mehra's mother to him. This letter was very special for Karanvir, because Karanvir, who talks to his mother every day, has been away from his mother for almost 3 months. He expected that his mother would come to meet him during Bigg Boss's Family Week, but instead of his mother, he met his sister Kamsin. This is the reason why Karanvir Mehra became very emotional after seeing his mother's letter.
Omung Kumar took Karanvir Mehra to his favorite place in Bigg Boss house and then he gave Karanvir his mother's letter. When Karanvir saw the letter, the first thing he said was, this is mom's handwriting. He started reading the letter with great joy. It was written in the letter that dear Karan, I am proud of you. The way you are playing this game. We are very happy. Heera, you are already there.. Emotional Karanvir could not read the further letter and started crying right there. Seeing Karan crying bitterly like this, all his friends became emotional.
He said he hate to cry he never cried but I was waiting to see this emotional side of him for sooo long#KaranveerMehra #BiggBoss18
— Tanjin (@SweetSin_Tan) January 14, 2025
Karanvir is very close to his mother. big boss Since its inception, he has looked into the camera many times and given messages to his mother. He always tells his mother through the camera not to worry about him. Even after seeing his sister in the Family Week, he had said that he thought that his mother would come to meet him. Making fun of this, his sister Kamsin Karan Told you to understand that your mother has come in the form of son and sister. Not only Karanvir Mehra, Esha Singh, Vivian Dsena, Avinash Mishra and Chum Darang all became emotional after seeing the letters from their family members.