Hrithik Roshan is known as a big actor of Bollywood, he has been in the film industry for 25 years. He started his career with 'Kaho Na Pyaar Hai', this film was made under the direction of his father Rakesh Roshan. As soon as the film was released, people liked it a lot and it proved to be a blockbuster. Apart from Hrithik, Ameesha Patel also made her debut in this film. The actor was liked so much in this film that even the underworld people wanted to do a film with him.
'Kaho Na Pyaar Hai' was released in theaters on January 14, 2000, this time the film was re-released on Hrithik's birthday. During a recent interview, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan told that people from the underworld had expressed their desire to work with Hrithik, due to which Rakesh Roshan was shot just a few days after the release of the film, however. After the treatment, the filmmaker became completely fine.
Talking to Bollywood Hungama, Rakesh Roshan told that he was shot because he had refused to let Hrithik work in a film funded by underworld people. Due to which he was shot outside his office in Mumbai. Rakesh Roshan was hit by two bullets, yet he drove the car himself and reached the hospital. He was treated for some time in the hospital after which he recovered.
Rakesh Roshan said that I never gave a hint that Hrithik can do a film for Underworld,” Rakesh Roshan often avoided talking to those people about Hrithik's dates. But even at this the matter did not end and they snatched Hrithik's dates from other filmmakers and asked them to give them to him. However, Rakesh Roshan had refused this also. Along with this, he also told that he never accepted the demands of the people of the underworld. The filmmaker told that due to all these reasons, it was difficult to do anything creative due to the tension that had arisen between them. In such a situation no film could be made.