Mahakumbh 2025 Prayagraj: Mahakumbh has started in Prayagraj two days ago. Meanwhile, many viral photos are going viral on social media. Different photos of the devotees who came to Kumbh are coming out. Among these photos, there is also a photo of the most beautiful Sadhvi who came to Kumbh. The photo of the most beautiful Sadhvi and her look is being liked a lot on social media. The full name of the most beautiful Sadhvi is Harsha Richhariya. Harsha does not remain engrossed only in meditation. She is also a big influencer on Instagram. Each of his posts gets more than 80 thousand likes.
Harsha is a social media influencer and social activist and she has gone to Mahakumbh only to take initiation. Because of her looks, people have named her the most beautiful Sadhvi. Harsha has a lot of influence on Instagram. He has more than 13 lakh followers on Instagram. Out of which Sadhvi follows back only 146 people. There are only 146 people in his following list, of which more than half are monks and nuns. He has a total of 2,147 posts on Instagram.
Harsha's post on Instagram is being liked a lot. One of his posts has received 129,318 likes within 23 hours. His Instagram reels get views in millions. The reel which Sadhvi has pinned has 21.4 million views. There are many reels of the most beautiful Sadhvi with millions of views. On which there are lakhs of likes and thousands of comments.
Harsha is also very active on YouTube. The most beautiful Sadhvi on YouTube is a travel blogger. Harsha's YouTube channel is named Traveler Harsha. Talking about his subscribers on YouTube, he has a total of more than 2 lakh 21 thousand subscribers.