Among the crowd of devotees gathered for Mahakumbh 2025, a face has also emerged which is becoming quite viral these days. The look of 'the most beautiful Sadhvi' Harsha Richhariya, who reached Mahakumbh, is being liked a lot, which is why her followers on social media are increasing rapidly.
Many people would know the answer to the question that how many followers she has on Instagram, but very few people would know the answer to the question that which phone does the most beautiful Sadhvi with millions of followers use? One thing that we want to make clear at the very beginning is that Harsha Richhariya has made it clear that she is not a Sadhvi but an influencer.
If you go to Harsha Richhariya's Instagram account (host_harsha), you will see many videos. If you watch these videos, you will see Apple iPhone in the hands of Harsha Richhariya in many videos.
It is difficult to understand from the camera module which model of iPhone Harsha Richaria is using, but it is expected that she will be using one of the latest models of iPhone 16 series, iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max. Amidst the news, we are embedding two videos taken from Harsha Richhariya's Instagram so that you can get a glimpse of the iPhone in Harsha Richhariya's hand.
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Last year, Apple iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max were launched. In such a situation, it is expected that the phone that Harsha Richharia is using could be iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max, note that these are only speculations, this has not been confirmed.
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On Amazon, 128 GB variant of iPhone 16 Pro is being sold for Rs 1,12,900, 256 GB variant for Rs 1,22,900, 512 GB variant for Rs 1,42,900 and 1 TB variant for Rs 1,62,900.
The 256 GB model of this flagship phone is being sold on Amazon for Rs 1,37,900, 512 GB model for Rs 1,57,900 and 1 TB model for Rs 1,77,900.
iPhone 16 Pro has a 6.3 inch screen, while iPhone 16 Pro Max has a 6.9 inch display. Both the models are made from aluminum frame, apart from this, a button for camera control is provided in these models. A18 Pro processor has been used in Pro and Pro Max variants, this processor is 15 percent faster than A17 Pro. Talking about camera setup, the Pro models have a 48-megapixel ultra-wide camera and 5x telephoto camera.