Ram Kapoor has been dominating social media for the last few days. However, there is not just one but many reasons for this, one of which is his recent statement. Recently, in one of his interviews, he had given some statement against Ekta Kapoor, after which a controversy broke out between the two. Now another statement of his has come out, in which he is seen mentioning the past things of his co-star Amar Upadhyay. The actor's reaction has come to light on this.
Amar Upadhyay is a well-known face of famous TV serials. She has worked on many projects, but she is best known for her character in 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'. Recently, in a conversation with Siddharth Kanan, Ram Kapoor has revealed that he had advised Amar to leave TV and not come into films. Ram told in the interview that according to him, Amar's film career is not what he wanted, the actor has called it a useless decision.
Reacting to this, Amar spoke to Tele Talk, in which he said that I came to know about this when a journalist asked me about it a day before my premiere. He said that I have not even seen that interview completely, I just know that he has said something about Ekta Kapoor, but I thought it was just a rumour. On Ram's statement of leaving TV, the actor said that I do not sit at home for more than 2-4 days. If I don't work for a few days I start going crazy.
Amar said that I am not going to leave TV, because TV has given me continuous work. He also told that he has a meeting for a big TV show. Talking about Amar's recent projects, one of his Gujarati films was released recently, which has proved to be successful. Apart from this, he has many other projects.