The first geyser in the list comes from Crompton company. In the sale, you can make this geyser yours for just Rs 2,599. The company had introduced this geyser for Rs 4,400, that is, currently a discount of up to Rs 1,801 is being given on the geyser. You can also make the geyser yours on no cost EMI option, where you will have to pay only Rs 117 every month. If you have an old geyser, you can get a discount of Rs 460 in exchange.
Havells Instanio 3L Instant Water Heater
The company is also giving big discounts on this geyser of Havells. In the Great Republic Day Sale, you can make this geyser yours for just Rs 3,399. The company had launched this geyser for Rs 5,870, but now this geyser is getting a discount of Rs 2,471. You can also buy this geyser on no cost EMI option, where you will have to pay only Rs 153 every month.
Bajaj Skive 5 Ltr Instant Water Heater for Home
This geyser from Bajaj is also available at the lowest price in this sale. The company had introduced it for Rs 7,730, but now you can buy it for just Rs 3,498. That means a discount of Rs 4,232 is available on this geyser. You can also buy this geyser on no cost EMI option, where you will have to pay only Rs 157 every month. At the same time, you can save Rs 360 on exchange of old geyser.